
Glasshouse experiments were conducted to determine the effects of various environmental factors on glyphosate efficacy when applied to Echinochloa colona (L.) Link (awnless barnyard grass) plants. The variables examined were 4 soil moisture conditions (29, 42, 55, and 100% of field capacity), 2 levels of irradiance (400 and 800 µmol/m2· s), 3 temperature regimes (20/15, 30/25, and 35/30°C; day/night), and 2 levels of relative humidity (92 and 65%). The efficacy of 360 g acid equivalent glyphosate/ha was greatest when applied to well-watered (field capacity) plants that were placed under cool (20/25°C) and humid (92% relative humidity) conditions. The efficacy was least when applied to plants under severe water stress (29% of field capacity) that were placed under hot (35/30°C) and less humid (65% relative humidity) conditions. In all experiments, efficacy was not altered by the level of irradiance.

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