
Abstract Variable root restricting conditions were imposed on summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) cultivars ‘Senator’ and Dixie’ using container sizes of 0.35, 2.00, and 7.60 liters. Nondestructive and destructive plant sampling were conducted to evaluate leaf area production, dry weight accumulation and partitioning, crop growth rate and net assimilation rate, and flower and fruit development. Within 10 days after transplanting (DAT), ‘Senator’ exhibited declining leaf area production under increased root restriction, and within 17 DAT leaf area was diminished for both cultivars under increased root restricting conditions. Dry weight accumulation in leaves, stems, roots, and fruit was reduced for both cultivars over time and level of root restriction severity. There was a tendency for greater vegetative growth reductions with ‘Senator’ than with ‘Dixie’ at comparable levels of root restriction. Root‐to‐shoot ratio, timing and duration of flowering, and sex of flowers were not significantly impacted by root restriction level or cultivar. Fruit dry weight was greatest for Dixie’ early on, but by 28 DAT, total fruit dry weight produced did not differ for the cultivars except under the most severe root restricting conditions. Fruit dry weight production was limited for both cultivars as container volume became smaller.

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