
A field experiment comprising of twelve treatment combinations was conducted for two years at Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur, India. Crop geometry treatment comprising of two row spacings (60 cm × 10 cm and 45 cm × 10 cm) were allocated to the main plots and six nitrogen management practices namely, Rhizobium inoculation in conjunction with 75 and 50 per cent of recommended N either as basal or split application and recommended N (100 %) were assigned in sub-plots. Wider spacing resulted in significant higher seed yield (7.3%) over close spacing along with superior performance of component traits and nutrient uptake. The split applied nitrogen resulted in better performance of different parameters which together enhanced seed yield by 13.8 per cent over recommended N as basal application. Augmentation of nitrogen with Rhizobium culture positively improved growth and yield parameters leading to net saving of 25 per cent N fertilizers as evident from higher seed yield in treatment comprising 75 per cent split applied N + Rhizobium over recommended N. Interaction effects of split applied N at both row spacings resulted in better performance for seed yield, other related traits and uptake of NPK. Split applied 100 per cent N at wide spacing resulted in 15.5 and 23.6 per cent higher seed yield over recommended N at wider and close spacing, respectively. It could be concluded that Rhizobium inoculation could save 25per cent synthetic fertilizer N. Wider spacing (60 cm × 10 cm) and split applied nitrogen was a better preposition for enhancing productivity of pea in an acid alfisol under north western Himalayas.

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