
Purpose. To establish peculiarities of organogenesis and productivity of facultative triticale under late autumn sowing terms depending on nitrate fertilizations. Methods. The study was carried out in 2016–2018 in stationary field experiment at the farm “Rasavske” (Kaharlyk district of Kyiv region). The influence of autumn sowing terms and nitrate fertilizing on plant productivity elements of the facultative triticale variety Pidzymok kharkivskyi was studied by conventional methods. To evaluate biological features of development of facultative triticale depending on the factors studied the plants on initial stages of organogenesis were taken and microscopic analysis of their apical сones was conducted. Results. In spring 2017, plants of facultative triticale Pidzymok kharkivskyi of the 2nd sowing term were on the I organogenesis stage only, because the emergence has revealed itself under snow during winter. In 2017, 2018 in the II, III and IV organogenesis stages in variants with nitrogen fertilizing there was a tendency to decrease the necessary sum of active temperatures as compared to the control. During the years of the research, the III organogenesis stage continued 7–10 days, but plants formed more spikelet primordia of the ear in year with early spring restoration of the vegetation than on late restoration. Nitrogen fertilization significantly contributed to increase spikelet number per spike of the main stem, especially in the variants of the first sowing term (October, 15). Grain number per spikelet has less correlation with spikelet number per spike thus indicating unused potential of ear. Duration of forming all organs of ear was 27–32 days in the year with early spring restoration of the vegetation (2017) and 19–24 days in the year with late restoration (2018). Conclusions. Late sowing terms and conditions prior to overwintering did not significant effect on facultative triticale overwintering, but its performance was limited by weather factors during the second half vegetation. The weather conditions of the initial periods of vegetation and nitrogen fertilization influenced on spikelet number per spike, and the realization of ear potential (grain number) was 64–75 % of number of fertile flowers in the less favorable 2017 and 75.0–92.4 % in the more favorable 2018.

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