
The current study was aimed to find the effect of NAA on rooting of cuttings in Duranta erecta L. The experiment was laid out in Completely Randomized Block Design (CRD) with 3 replications, including six treatments of various concentration of Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) solutions viz., 250 ppm, 500 ppm, 1000 ppm, 2000 ppm, 3000 ppm and control (without any treatment). Minimum days for sprouting (11.52 days), rooting percentage (85.63%), number of roots per cutting (8.15) and root length (9.56 cm) are recorded maximum NAA 3000 ppm. All the NAA treatments are on par with each other and significantly higher than control in survival percentage. From this experiment we conclude that, the rooting and survival capacity of hardwood stem cuttings of Duranta erecta under mist chamber conditions, can be improved by quick dipping of basal portion of cuttings on NAA with 3000 ppm concentration.

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