
Background: Rice production and productivity must be increased despite water scarcity and deterioration of soil fertility by imbalanced fertilizer application. To meet the demand of the ever growing population, the production level must be increased to cope with minimum inputs and enhanced input-use efficiency. Efficient and effective method of irrigation and fertilizer application could address the emerging issue. Methods: The field study was conducted at the Agricultural College and Research Institute in Madurai to identify suitable irrigation methods and nutrient management practices with the aim of increasing the yield of rice under transplanted condition during Kharif 2022. The experiment was carried out in a split plot design with irrigation methods in the main plot and foliar spray of nano-fertilizers in combination with conventional fertilizers in the sub-plot. Result: Yield characters such as number of productive tillers m-2, panicle length (cm), panicle weight (g), number of grains and filled grains panicle-1 were recorded in addition to grain and straw yield (kg/ha). From this study it could be concluded that, irrigation through alternate wetting and drying along with combined application of 50% N and K through straight fertilizers + Nano N and K applied as foliar spray recorded higher yield attributes and yield of rice.

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