
Sick building syndrome (SBS) is an outcome of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) that can affect human health and performance. Heating system (HS) types are a factor of indoor air emission. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the HS on IAQ and SBS in residential buildings. The air pollutant levels were monitored in the heating-season and non-heating-season. The SBS questionnaire was completed for each non-smoking people (22-50 years). People with respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis were excluded. Results implied that pollutants concentrations and SBS symptoms were strongly influenced by HS type (P- value < 0.05). Tiredness, dry-throat, and dry-eyes were the commonest reported SBS symptoms. The open-fireplace users had more complain about dry throat (33%) and tiredness (33%) compared to other symptoms. The maximum prevalence of SBS symptoms observed for the use of the open-fireplace, gas-heater, and water circulating system was 40, 27, and 10%, respectively. In 33% of the study population, these symptoms are alleviated when individuals left the buildings. Nausea was the only reported symptom in the homes with the water circulating system. The findings of the present study provide helpful data that can be considered to develop a strategy for increasing public health.

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