
Frugivores display daily and seasonal behavioural variation, yet the influence of this variability on subsequent seed shadows is rarely considered. We investigated the extent to which three aspects of gibbon (Hylobates muelleri × agilis) foraging and ranging behaviour (revisitation of favoured fruit sources, daily and monthly ranging patterns) influenced seed dispersal distances and deposition sites for two groups in dipterocarp forests at the Barito Ulu research site, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Dispersal distances and sites were estimated using gut retention times and ranging patterns collected over 12 mo. Gibbons dispersed few seeds (0.7%) under parent trees and most seeds (> 90%) were dispersed more than 100 m. Mean dispersal distances differed significantly between groups (339 m and 431 m) and across different months. Deposition site was only influenced by time of day, with all seeds swallowed in the first hour of activity being deposited under sleeping trees used that night. Both groups visited all 0.25-ha quadrats within their home range over the study period, indicating that gibbons potentially disperse seeds throughout their home range. Given the general uniformity of the gibbon seed shadow, the intensity of home range use and large seed dispersal distances, gibbons appear to be consistently effective seed dispersers and are probably one of the most important frugivores in Asian rain forests.

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