
This research is mainly aimed to product lightweight concrete tiles by using lightweight coarse aggregate and sand used in flatness work. Trial and error method has been attempted to choose the mixture ratio 1: 1:4: 0.64 (cement: sand: lightweight coarse aggregate) by weight and water to cement ratio equal to 0.48. Steel fibers have been in order to increase the fracture strength in percentages 0.2% and 0.4%. Compression test on cubic molds has showed that steel fibers have maintained the magnitude of compressive strength during the age of 7, 28 days, in spite of the fact that there have been increases in indirect tensile strength at the same age and less water absorption. Specimens with 0.4% steel fiber have been less absorbent than 0.2% and 0% steel fiber specimens, respectively. Meanwhile, the density and the fracture strength of tiles have increased with steel fiber of 0.2% to 0.4%. Adding steel grids to the tiles using the same ratios of steel fiber has increased the resistance of fracture. These tiles have given better results than the normal concrete tiles made locally in the criteria of fracture test. The results of the thermal conductivity test have showed that the tiles containing steel fiber by 0.4% had a higher thermal conductivity. Compared with the domestic tiles, light ones have a minimum heat conduction of about half.

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