
Brucella abortus endotoxin preparations, containing approximately 5 to 6% protein, induce strong immune and adjuvant immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses as compared with Escherichia coli endotoxin preparations, with equivalent amounts of protein, which induce responses in which IgM antibody predominates. Using an enzyme-linked immunoassay with isotype-specific conjugates, we found that antibody of all four subclasses of IgG were evoked during the course of the immune responses of C3H/HeAu mice to B. abortus endotoxin. Secondary responses of endotoxin-hyporesponsive C3H/HeJ mice were similar to those seen in C3H/HeAu mice, although lower levels of antibody were produced during their primary responses. The primary responses of BALB/c athymic mice consisted almost entirely of IgG3, and IgG1 appeared following a second injection. The effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-associated protein on the immunogenic properties of B. abortus endotoxin were examined by comparing responses to endotoxin with those to a purified B. abortus LPS containing less than 1% protein. The endotoxin evoked strong primary and secondary responses in which antibody directed to LPS determinants consisted mainly of IgG3 and those to the protein determinants were largely IgG1 antibody. Primary and secondary responses to purified LPS consisted mainly of IgG3 antibody. The potential mechanism of the contribution of protein to the immunogenic properties of the endotoxin as well as possible immune mechanisms involved in these responses are discussed.

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