
A woody debris jam around a bridge pier causes a change in flow structure and results in additional scour and an increase in the hydraulic head upstream of the pier, threatening its stability and safety. In the present paper, the spatio-temporal formation of a dynamic woody debris jam formed piece by piece of debris wood was used to investigate the influence of woody debris jams from a life-cycle perspective which included the processes of its formation, growth, failure, and rebirth. Several debris jams were formed in sequence during each experimental test. The results showed that the additional scour generated by the first woody debris jam compared with the scour depth without debris was a function of blockage ratio of the first debris jam, while the influence of the subsequent woody debris jams depended on their dimensions compared with the previous jam. When the subsequent debris jam’s dimensions were larger than the previous one, the scour further increased; otherwise, the scour remained constant and equal to the previous one. In addition, the debris-induced hydraulic head was analyzed and found to be correlated with the Froude number and the debris jam dimensions.

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