
The compact spinning systems are mostly used for spinning of combed yarns. However, many attempts have been made to use the compact system for spinning carded yarns. Recently SUESSEN has introduced D–Type slot compact system for producing carded compact yarn. In this research work, an attempt has been made to analyze the migration properties of D–Type slot carded compact yarn. Three different twist factors have been selected and compared with regular carded compact yarn and regular carded ring yarn. In this work, the migration parameters such as Mean Fiber Position, Root Mean Squared (RMS) Deviation, Migration Intensity and Yarn Diameter have been measured using the Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) camera attached on a projection microscope. D–Type slot carded compact yarn, regular compact and regular ring yarn structures have been critically analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscope. The test results clearly indicate that the fiber migration in D–Type slot compact yarn is far better than both regular compact and regular ring yarns.

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