
Optimization of resource amount which must be appropriated for information security and resource allocation between objects is major problem of information security economic management. Complexity of search for solution is conditioned by uncertainty of opponent’s actions in information confrontation. In these conditions of particular importance is search for saddle point that represent situation when neither of sides is interested in changing their strategies. Possibility of saddle point existence depends on number of objects, information distribution between objects, extent of function nonlinearity, which defines dynamic vulnerabilities of objects, and form of confrontation. Also saddle point exists only in certain intervals of values , where - proportion of both sides’ resources. In case of unidirectional confrontation, when one of sides defends its information and other attempts to get information, with linear-fractional form of functions in system of two objects saddle point exists on all and when convert to nonlinear-fractional form or complexification of system by adding new objects interval become limited. In multidirectional confrontation, when each of sides defends its information and simultaneously attempts to get opponent’s information, relations to parameters of system become more complex. Given calculation results enable to reveal these relations.

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