
B regulatory cells (Bregs) are shown to downregulate autoimmune and inflammation processes. Their modifying effects depend on IL-10 secretion. A role of Bregs in development of humoral immune response was not investigated. Influence of Bregs and IL-10 upon in vitro response of murine B1 and B2 cells to T-dependent and T-independent antigens was studied in a model system. A water-soluble sheep erythrocyte antigen was used as a T-dependent antigen, whereas LPS was applied as a type 1 T-independent antigen, and polyvinylpirrolidone and alpha(1→3)dextran were added as type 2 T-independent antigens. В1and B2 lymphocytes were isolated from, respectively, peritoneal cavity and spleen of CBA mice. The cells were cultured in RPMI1640 medium with 10% of FCS supplemented with appropriate antigens and IL-10. The numbers of antibody- and total Ig-forming cells were determined by ELISPOT method. The erythrocyte antigen induced an increase of antibody- and total Ig-forming cell numbers in cultured B1 and B2 cell populations. IL-10 addition caused reduction of antibody- and total Ig-forming cells by 27%. Similarly, IL-10 caused a drop in antibody- and total Ig-forming cells in LPS-stimulated B2 cell cultures by 75%, as well as 50 per cent decrease in numbers of antibody-forming cells in B-1 cell cultures when induced by the type 2 T-independent antigens. To assess functional activity of Bregs, the cells were isolated from peritoneal cavity and spleen of CBA mice. Total yields of Bregs were 20-fold increased upon activation of B cells with LPS, ionomycin and phorbol ester (from 4% to 96%). IgM was the main immunoglobulin isotype secreted by the Bregs. 96% of activated Bregs produced IL-10. About 12% of the cells were shown to produce immunoglobulins. This finding suggests that some of Bregs synthesize both IL-10 and immunoglobulins. To study distant effect of Bregs upon immune response, the splenocyte culture of xid CBA/N mice were tested in Transwells with enriched Bregs. It was revealed that the Bregs caused inhibition of both specific and polyclonal immune response to the water-soluble sheep erythrocyte antigen. Hence, Bregs are shown to participate in humoral immune response, probably, by suppressing functional activity of splenocytes from CBA/N mice to T-dependent antigen. IL-10 secreted by Bregs may play a sufficient role in these regulatory effects.


  • Основной функцией В-лимфоцитов является образование антител (АТ)

  • Their modifying effects depend on IL-10 secretion

  • T-independent antigens was studied in a model system

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Основной функцией В-лимфоцитов является образование антител (АТ). Наряду с этим В-клетки участвуют в презентации антигенов (АГ), фагоцитозе, органогенезе лимфоидных органов и секреции цитокинов. В настоящей работе такая модельная система использовалась для изучения влияния IL-10 на иммунный ответ В1- и В2-клеток мыши на ТЗ АГ и ТН АГ 1-го и 2-го типов (ТН-1 и ТН-2 АГ соответственно) и функциональной активности Breg, выделенных из брюшной полости и селезенки мышей CBA. Внесение ВРАБЭ в культуру клеток селезенки мышей линии CBA/N, а также в культуры, содержащие смеси этих клеток с В1- или В2лимфоцитами мышей линии СВА, индуцировало иммунный ответ.

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