
AbstractOzone enhancement was observed in the lower troposphere over Hong Kong and Kunming on 7 and 8 March 2001 using the electrochemical concentration cell ozonesondes. Based on the data of NCEP, total column ozone, numerical simulation of MM5, AI from TOMS, aerosol optical depths from MODIS, and CO concentration from MOPITT, the influence of biomass burning in Southeast Asia on the ozone distribution in the lower troposphere over Hong Kong and Kunming is analyzed. The transport of the emissions of biomass burning shows that the enhancement of the lower tropospheric ozone over Hong Kong and Kunming is from the region where large‐scale fires occurred in Southeast Asia. TOMS AI images and the atmospheric background circulations reveal that the biomass burning plumes in Southeast Asia can be transported to downwind South/Southwest China and lead to enhancement of the ozone concentration in the lower troposphere.

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