
Aim. To investigate the effect of bioactive compounds regulating different ways of metabolism on elements of winter hardiness in bread winter wheat varieties with different levels of this trait.Material and methods. The influence of bioactive compounds detergent Triton X-100 that causes deproteinization of cell membranes and therefore reduces their resistance to ice crystals at low temperatures and antioxidant AOK-M promoting cell survival under stressful conditions of stress on frost resistance was studied.Winter wheat varieties of different winter hardiness: Myronivska 808 (frost resistant), Myrliena (mid frost resistant), Monotyp (low frost resistant), Zymoiarka (facultative wheat) and standard variety Podolianka were studied. The seeds were treated with solutions of Triton X-100 (30 mg/l) and AOK-M (2 ml/l) before sowing.Results. With freezing temperature-20°C the antioxidant caused increase plant viability only in the least frost-resistant variety Zymoiarka. When treating seeds with detergent, reduction of this feature was noted only in some cases. Detergent processing resulted in reduction of soluble carbohydrate content in tillering nodes (prior to overwintering) in variety Myronivska 808. For Myrliena and Zymoiarka varieties same effect was caused with the antioxidant. Effect of antioxidant contributed to stable levels of carbohydrate content during wintering in all varieties studied. Action of detergent caused a deceleration of growing point elongation in plants of bread winter wheat varieties during winter.Conclusion. The studies have shown diverse trends in action character of metabolic backgrounds in varieties differing in frost resistance. Such differences are related to the physiological characteristics of varieties and formation in them various metabolic cycles being critical for their survival in winter.

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