
A research study was carried out at Crop Experimental Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj, for the duration of Kharif 2021 (U.P). The topsoil of the experimental area was sandy clay loam, nearly fair and balanced in soil properties (pH 7.1), low in organic material (0.36 %), obtainable N (171.48 kg/ha), obtainable P (15.2 kg/ha), and obtainable K (232.5 kg/ha). The experiment has been conducted in Randomized Block Design, as well as the 10 treatment options replicated three times over a period of a year. The treatments which are T1: Azospirillum 25g/kg + Potassium 30kg/ha, T2: Azospirillum 25g/kg + Potassium 40 kg/ha, T3: Azospirillum 25g/kg + Potassium 50kg/ha, T4: Azotobacter 25g/kg + Potassium 30kg/ha, T5: Azotobacter 25g/kg + Potassium 40kg/ha, T6: Azotobacter 25g/kg + Potassium 50kg/ha, T7: Azospirillum + Azotobacter 25g/kg + Potassium 30kg/ha, T8: Azospirillum + Azotobacter 25 g/kg + Potassium 40kg/ha, T9: Azospirillum + Azotobacter 25g/kg + Potassium 50kg/ha and T10: Control are used. The application of Azospirillum + Azotobacter 25 g/kg + Potassium 50 kg/ha resulted in significantly higher plant height (150.25 cm), number of leaves/plant (12.65), plant dry weight (17.19 g/plant), number of ears/hill (2.60), number of grains/ear (2420.73), test weight (9.45 g), grain yield (3.16 t/ha), straw yield (7.57 t/ha). Harvest index (29.40), gross returns(Rs.79,000/ha), net returns(Rs.48,878.20/ha) and benefit cost ratio (1.62) as compared to other treatments.

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