
Numerical models used to study transport phenomena in laser-powder bed fusion processes often rely on assumptions and simplifications to reduce their computational expense. One common simplification is in the description of latent heat evolution during the solid-liquid phase change (i.e., the solidification pathway), justified by the fact that the mushy zone thickness is similar to the numerical grid spacing used for continuum transport models. The lack of resolution of transport phenomena in the mushy zone motivates the use of computationally convenient solidification paths such as linear or sigmoidal relationships over pathways derived from fundamental solidification theory such as equilibrium or Scheil models. In the present work, an uncertainty quantification (UQ) framework is used to analyze the influence of solidification pathway selection on the solidification dynamics and melt pool geometries in laser based additive manufacturing (AM) of IN625. Results show the solidification pathway has a quantifiable influence on the cooling rate at the liquidus isotherm, mushy zone thickness, and solidification time. Due to similarities in the latent heat evolution at the beginning of solidification, the equilibrium and Scheil models predict similar cooling rates near the liquidus isotherm, however the wider freezing range of Scheil leads to a wider mushy zone compared to equilibrium. The non-physical latent heat release profiles of sigmoidal and linear paths lead to significant overpredictions of cooling rates at the liquidus isotherm compared to equilibrium and Scheil. These results indicate that careful consideration should be given to the choice of solidification pathway to ensure reliable model predictions.

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