
The influence of age, sex, pregnancy and protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM) on the plasma t1/2, plasma clearance (Clp) and apparent volume of distribution (Vd) of sodium salicylate (62 mumol kg-1) was determined in Sprague-Dawley rats. Female and male rats of five different age groups (ages in weeks: pups 1, weanling 3, young 8-9, adult including pregnant 14-15, old 56-60) including three age groups with PCM (8-9, 14-15 and 56-60 weeks old) were used. Plasma and urinary salicylates were assayed by h.p.l.c. Plasma t1/2 was longer and Clp smaller in pups than in weanling and young rats and comparable to values for old rats; Vd of salicylate in pups was larger than in any other group of rats. Plasma t1/2 was longer and Clp as well as Vd of salicylate were smaller in adult females than in males of comparable age. Relative to nonpregnant adult females, Vd of salicylate in pregnant rats was larger but plasma t1/2 and Clp were unchanged. In all groups of rats studied, PCM decreased the plasma t1/2 and increased the Clp of salicylate; Vd was unchanged. Changes in salicylate pharmacokinetics were not due to any differences in serum protein-salicylate binding or to serum testosterone levels. Ovariectomy decreased the plasma t1/2 of salicylate but castration of male rats had no significant effect. Administration of testosterone to ovariectomized female rats exerted no significant effect on salicylate pharmacokinetics. It is concluded that the physiological state and the nutritional status can modify salicylate pharmacokinetics; in so far as the rat model reflects the human situation, these variables should be taken into account for a rational salicylate therapy.

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