
The Central part of Benin is known to be favourable to dracunculiasi s transmission probably because of the natural conditions found in this region. This study was made to confirm such a hypothesis. Cyclopid densities were correlated with several chemical or physical parameters measured in 53 infections water bodies (turbidity, temperature, pH, oxy­ gen, conductivity, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, silica, chlorures, and carbonates. Parameters of a few ponds were measured through the year to examine seasonal variations. Except for temperature, all parameters studied, when considered separately, were obsiously not correlated to cyclopid density. However, when combination of various chemi­ cal compounds to identify the mineralogical equilibrium of the water, the water of most ponds was found to be equili­ brated with clay of the Montmorillonite group under the general term Smectites. These sort of clay depend on geological formations and drainage conditions. Such a mineralogical environment should be regarded as favourable to dracuncu­ liasis intermediate host development.

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