
Asthma is one of the most common chronic disorders in childhood. Asthma symptoms normally find in first three years of a life when the growth and remodeling of lungs is at maximum pace. There is always a common concern regarding different forms of asthma and how to cure them. Studies showed us in US about 20 million people are suffering from asthma and out of which 9 millions are children. Globally around 70% of asthmatic children are suffering from Wheeze which is mostly a symptom of viral infection. This is also one of the global burdens due to respiratory viral infections imposed by asthma. The various types of infections include rhinovirus infections which plays a crucial role in asthma development; respiratory syncytial virus which cause lower respiratory tract infection such as bronchiolitis; influenza and par- influenza viruses; pertussis, one of the major reason of death for children below 3 months of age; epiglottitis; bronchiolitis which effects mainly children below age of 2; and pneumonia caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites or due to virus. In this article we will shed some light on the relationship of chest infections with asthma and how they impact the course of asthma disease in children. The most important factor is how several vitamins like Vitamin D plays a crucial role for asthma patients. General studies show prevention and long term control is major key in stopping asthma attacks. There are various medications available to avoid asthma attacks but it generally depends upon the patient’s symptoms, age and the various triggering factors. Further we will see how a balanced diet helps like pro-biotic supplements, bacterial derived product, OM-85 etc helps in controlling asthma infections.

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