
AN industrial man the Ohio River means several things. For one thing, it offers a splendid means of low cost transportation. The huge tonnages of coal, iron, scrap materials and finished steel products which are transported on the river bear witness to the dependence of industry upon this natural resource. For many years the Federal Government has recognized this feature and has so improved the river by locks and dams that it is available for transportation purposes even during periods of lowest water. Wheeling Steel Corporation alone transported 1,572,000 tons by river in 1937. Some other mills moved much greater tonnages during this period. A second and probably most important service which the river renders industry is an abundant supply of process water. Few people realize the enormous quantities of water used in industry. Wheeling Steel Corporation mills at Steubenville require 100 tons of water to make each ton of finished steel. At Portsmouth Works where the corporation manufactures its own electric power 270 tons of water are required per ton of steel. It is not customary to speak of water in terms of tons but it gives a clear picture for comparative purposes. The combined daily requirements of Wheeling Steel plants along the Ohio River, under normal operating conditions, is approximately 154 million gallons per day. The Steubenville mills use more than twelve times as much water as the City of Steubenville, five times as much as the average daily requirements of the City of Wheeling, or more than three and one-half times the daily consumption of Steubenville and Wheeling combined. Yorkville Works uses about the same amount as the City of Steubenville. Benwood Works uses about the same amount as the City of Wheeling. Portsmouth

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