
Events associated with the induction of tolerance to fast desiccation in black spruce (Picea mariana) somatic embryos were investigated. An experimental approach using an initial period of partial water loss was developed to induce either no, partial, or complete tolerance to fast desiccation. Tolerance to subsequent fast desiccation was not promoted by decreasing embryo water content from 1.5 to 1.1 g H2O g-1 DW (g g-1) throughout the first 24 h of slow desiccation. However, tolerance increased from 10 to 95% germination during the second 24-h period of slow desiccation after partial water loss from 1 to 0.55 g g-1. Emphasis was also placed on the relationship between observed tolerance, and sugar and dehydrin contents. Compared to controls, sucrose content in embryos doubled after 24 h of slow desiccation and more than tripled after 48 h. Conversely, starch content was decreased by one half after 24 h and by three quarters after 48 h. Sucrose abundance and raffinose occurrence after 48 h of slow desiccation were congruent with complete tolerance to fast desiccation. The period of slow desiccation between 24 and 48 h also increased the content of a 24-kDa dehydrin and the appearance of a 42-kDa dehydrin. The relationship between partial water loss, sugars and dehydrins is discussed with respect to tolerance to fast desiccation in black spruce somatic embryos.

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