
Indo-Pak relations throughout the seventy-five years of co-existence have been no less than a roller coaster ride. Scholars have attributed this peculiar and toxic romance to various factors among them Kashmir stands out in it being the jugular vein of Pakistan as all three western rivers, on which Pakistan’s agriculture sector solely depends, flow from the Indian administered Kashmir. India is using this to their advantage by planning to construct hydropower dams on the western river, likely affect Pakistan’s agriculture sector, all while publically proclaiming “Blood and water cannot flow together” Countries around the world have started introducing Agtech like Water Conserving Technologies (WCTs) in their agriculture sector in the face of growing water demand and water security. These WCTs not only use less water but also increase the overall yield of the crop. This study is an interdisciplinary endeavour which intends to link the impact of introduction of WCTs in the agriculture sector with the Indo-Pak relations in the context of Kashmir. The Secondary data was collected by searching through key words and reviewing the literature and was analysed through meta-analysis. The study concludes that introduction of AgTech in the agriculture sector of Pakistan has the potential to bring India and Pakistan closer in the context of Kashmir

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