
There is a strong need of defining and using measurable tools to assist the processes of planning, management and evaluation of sustainable policies. Chapter 40 of Agenda 21 emphasizes the need of countries, international organizations and NGOs developing sustainable development indicators. This study aimed at identifying, describing and classifying the ain types of indicators, and at defining the most ppropriate type to measure the sustainability of extractive agroecosystems. For achieving these goals, we chose the case f the Brazilian pepper tree (Schinus terebenthifolius Raddi) ruit picking in the hydrographic sub-basin of Baixo Sao rancisco, in northeastern Brazil. The geographic areas used n this study where the sub-basin and adjacent coastal area. Data collection was carried out in two steps: the first step refers to literature review and documental research in raditional publications, and the second step refers to field esearch, with the use of direct observation and directed nterviews. Based on literature descriptions, it was possible o identify and classify the types of indicators that are ffectively used throughout the world, and thereby set the most appropriate indicators to measure the object of research. This study has shown that models of sustainability ndicators can be classified according to generation, scope nd focus. PEIR model developed by CIAT, the World Bank and NEP was considered the most suitable for evaluating the sustainability of extractive agroecosystems.

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