
With the progress of a high-temperature superconducting material production technology, the full superconducting magnets with a high magnetic field above 25 T have been realized for recent years. However, they cannot operate with persistent mode (PCM) since there is difficulty in jointing without resistance or low enough jointing resistance in HTS tapes. The bitter-like HTS magnet is a full superconducting magnet composed of ReBCO annular plates, and the power supply technology is an effective method for achieving PCM. In this paper, we choose inner and outer excitations to energize a bitter-like HTS magnet in 77 K. It was found that the HTS magnet reaches saturation faster by using the inner excitation than the outer excitation for the same bitter-like HTS magnet. The magnetic field was measured with a Hall probe at 77 K. The results illustrated that the inner excitation is much faster than the outer excitation, but the saturation field in former is lower than the latter one.

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