
The government now is always trying some efforts and policy to support competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs) in Indonesia. Food SMEs is one of SMEs which the quantity is very big and spreading in various location commonly near the housing and business center. Entrepreneurs of Food SMEs is also included in the entity to get attention from the government to increase the competitiveness. Environmental dynamics and care of city community of environmental problems encourage the food’s entrepreneurs to adopt green strategy in the process of production in order to get better image so that it can contribute to the sustainability of SMEs. One approach to be adopted is green productivity strategy. Green productivity strategy tries to take care of the environment by the entrepreneur not only from the environmental benefit but also financial benefit, because production process will be operating with minimal waste and efficiency of course will produce benefit financially. This activity has the purpose to increase awareness of green strategy implementation in Food SMEs in District South Meruya West Jakarta. Conducting the activity is done in one months. The approach used is to integrate lecturing, discussion and question answer, self assessment, and simulation. To measure effectivity of the activity have deployed questionnaire pre test and post test related to ability of knowledge, assessment, and analysis of opportunity and application of green strategy in the production chain Food SMEs. The outing target of the activity is increasing the knowledge and ability of SMEs entrepreneurs about the green implementation in production activity. The results of this training show that participants are able to identify the potential of solid waste on the production process that can be processed into value-added products.

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