
The silicon thin film solar cells in the visible region, The low absorption which reduces its efficiency. The use of metallic nanostructures help, to increase light absorption and reduce the size of the entire structure will be. The process of light absorption in solar cells is one of the factors in improving the performance of solar cells. Silicon thin film solar cells, in the visible region, the absorption is low. Using arrays of metallic nanostructures, Semiconductors such as silicon or germanium on, Radiation absorption, a significant amount used in the top layer. Metal nanostructures for their ability to excite PLASMONS, (Collective oscillations of free electrons) are being considered. PLASMONS, surface electromagnetic waves, They are strictly limited to the field level, And that's why the border field strength is high, As a result, the surface PLASMON excitation, Square in the vicinity of heavily reinforced silicon and thus the absorption of light, The silicon layer is increased significantly. Keyword: Plasmon light energy; NANO-structured metal

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