
Endoscopic ultrahigh-resolution optical coherence tomography (OCT) enables collection of minimally invasive cross-sectional images in vivo, which may be used to facilitate rapid development of reliable mouse models of colon disease as well as assess chemopreventive and therapeutic agents. The small physical scale of mouse colon makes light penetration less problematic than in other tissues and high resolution acutely necessary. In our 2-mm diameter endoscopic time domain OCT system, isotropic ultrahigh-resolution is supported by a center wavelength of 800 nm and full-width-at-half-maximum bandwidth of 150 nm (mode-locked titanium:sapphire laser) combined with 1:1 conjugate imaging of a small core fiber. A pair of KZFSN5/SFPL53 doublets provides excellent color correction to support wide bandwidth throughout the imaging depth. A slight deviation from normal beam exit angle suppresses collection of the strong back reflection at the exit window surface. Our system achieves axial resolution of 3.2 microm in air and 4.4-microm lateral spot diameter with 101-dB sensitivity. Microscopic features too small to see in mouse tissue with conventional resolution systems, including colonic crypts, are clearly resolved. Resolution near the cellular level is potentially capable of identifying abnormal crypt formation and dysplastic cellular organization.

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