
The use of peptides as a vaccine is a potentially powerful immunization strategy. We explored the possibility of inducing an efficient cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) mediated immune response in mice, using in vitro reconstituted major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I/peptide complexes as the immunogen. Recombinant derived H-2K b and β 2-microglobulin ( β 2m) were properly folded into an MHC class I complex using the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-8mer from the natural nucleocapsid protein N52–59 (RGYVYQGL), an immunodominant K b epitope in C57BL 6 (B6) mice. After immunizing mice with the H-2K b class I/VSV peptide complex and a subsequent in vitro stimulation with the VSV peptide alone, a specific CTL response was demonstrated. The method was also applicable to other peptides, for example, the Sendai virus (SV) peptide N324–332 (FAPGNYPAL). The CTL response was mediated by CD3 + CD8 + T cells and was shown to be allele specific, as only peptide loaded target cells expressing the H-2K b allele could be recognized. It is of interest that extremely small amounts of injected MHC class I/peptide complex (i.e. 500 pg) could generate a measurable CTL response. The MHC class I/peptide complex had to be intact and properly folded to elicit an immune response, suggesting that the complex protected the peptide for internalization by antigen presenting cells (APCs) or for delivering to the proper site for peptide exchange on the cell surface of APCs. The described immunizing method can be routinely used to prime a CTL response by employing in vitro folded MHC class I/peptide complexes, without the use of adjuvants. It appears to be efficient, sensitive and specific. By using the recombinant protein system, unlimited amounts of MHC class I/peptide complex can be produced for immunization. Moreover, this protocol permits different in vitro combinations of allelic MHC class I molecules and peptide variants.

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