
Lilium is a high value flower but difficult to multiply through conventional propagation methods. Therefore, an attempt has been made with an objective to multiply maximum bulblets through scaling under differentstorage durations and temperature conditions. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomizeddesign (factorial) consisting of different storage durations (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks), type of scales (outer andinner) and temperature regime (4° and 2°C) on three lilium cultivars, namely/Brindisi, Ercolana and Pavia. Theresults showed that bulblet production decreased from outer to inner scales and showed a positive correlationwith the scale width. Nine week storage resulted in early bud sprouting and root initiation due to breaking ofdormancy. However, size of bulblets were recorded more in the scales planted just after harvesting. Total weightof bulblets per scale was directly related to the number of bulblets per scale produced. Maximum number ofbulblets (3.28) per scale was produced in the cv. Pavia followed by Ercolana (3.10) and Brindisi (2.18). Sixweeks storage duration at 4°C was recorded best for cv. Brindisi. However, 9 week storage (4°C) was best forcvs Ercolana and Pavia with regard to maximum bulblet production. While, maximum rooting and root lengthwere recorded in the cv. Brindisi followed by Ercolana and Pavia.

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