
The early second instar larvae of Toxoneuron nigriceps, a larval endoparastioid of Heliothis virescens, were incubated in artificial rearing media, supplemented with hemolymph of the unparasitized and parasitized fifth instar larvae of the host, H. virescens. The parasitoid larvae were incubated in both a semisolid and liquid form of the artificial rearing medium, and their growth and development were evaluated. The growth in size (increase in length and width), development (molting), and survival of the incubated larvae were observed for 10 days. The incubated larvae exhibited some level of growth in all nine types of media tested, including the control (without host hemolymph). However, ingesting the semisolid rearing media supplemented with the hemolymph from the late fifth instar (day 5, 7 and 9) parasitized host resulted in 100% of the larvae molting to third instars. Some of the in vitro reared third instar larvae demonstrated behavioral changes that could be interpreted as the preparation for cocoon formation or pupation i.e. oral secretion of a whitish material and lots of twisting and turning; however, none produced a cocoon nor pupa.

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