
Callus cultures were established from dioecious plant species Rumex acetosella and R. acetosa, using cotyledons, hypocotyls and stem tips of aseptically germinated seedlings as primary explants. Cultures were also established from male and female R. acetosella adult plants, starting from vegetative lateral buds. Cell division was induced using a high 2,4-D concentration, while bud induction and multiplication were stimulated on a medium with high BAP/IAA ratio. Cotyledon fragments of both species produced only rhizogenic calli. Hypocotyl-derived calli of R. acetosella produced buds, while those of R. acetosa showed no bud forming response under these conditions. Bud multiplication occurred in stem tip cultures of both species and in lateral bud cultures of R. acetosella. Calli derived from male plants produced more buds than those from female. Shoots were easily rooted using IBA, and plantlets were effectively transferred to soil. Flowering was not induced in culture. The sex of regenerated male and female plants was not altered by the culture conditions.

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