
Several species of the genus Acanthamoeba cause human diseases. Treatment of infections involves various problems, emphasising the need to develop alternative antiprotozoal agents. We studied the anti-amoebic activity of Essential Oils (EOs), derived from rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and cloves (Syzygium aromaticum L. Merr. & Perry), against Acanthamoeba polyphaga strain. The amoebicidal activity of cloves and rosemary EOs was preliminary demonstrated by the morphology change (modifications in the cell shape, the presence of precipitates in the cytoplasm, autophagic vesicles, membrane blends) of the treated trophozoites. The cell-counts, carried out after staining trophozoites with a Trypan blue solution, revealed that both EOs were active in a dose-dependent manner and in relation to the exposure time. This activity was evident after few hours, with encouraging results obtained in particular with cloves EO, able to act at the lower concentrations and after 1 h, probably for its high eugenol content (65.30%).


  • We studied the anti-am oebic activity of Essential O ils (EO s), derived from rosem ary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and cloves

  • There is a growing interest in using natural antim icrobial com pounds and, am ong these, Essential O ils (EO s), generally recognised as safe (GRAS) have already shown antim icrobial activity against bacteria of clinical origin, fungi, viruses (C annas et al 2016 ; Bouyahya et al 2017 ) and, recently, special attention is paid to their am oebicidal activity (P erez et al 2012 )

  • The am oebicidal activity against A. polyphaga ApUP of cloves and rosem ary EO s, studied by m icrotitre plates m ethod, is prelim inary dem onstrated by the m orphology change of the treated trophozoites, com pared to the control

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