
PGE2, an endogenous lipid mediator released in inflammatory conditions, affects both dendritic cell (DC) differentiation and maturation. Whereas the effect of PGE2 on fully differentiated DC was studied extensively, little is known about its effects on DC differentiation. In this study, we show that bone marrow-derived DC generated in the presence of PGE2 (DCp) acquire a proinflammatory profile; produce higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines; express higher levels of MHC class II, costimulatory molecules, and TLRs; and exhibit increased activation of the NF-kappaB-signaling pathway. In addition, DCp exhibit a different IL-12/IL-23 profile than DC generated in the absence of PGE2. The low IL-12 and high IL-23 production in LPS-stimulated DCp is associated with the down-regulation of p35 and the up-regulation of p19 expression, respectively. In agreement with the DCp proinflammatory phenotype and especially with the altered IL-12/IL-23 balance which strongly favors IL-23, DCp also affect T cell differentiation. In contrast to DC which favor Th1 differentiation, DCp promote Th17 and inhibit Th1/Th2 differentiation, in vitro and in vivo. Previous in vivo studies indicated that PGE2 had a proinflammatory effect, especially in models of autoimmune diseases. Our results suggest that the proinflammatory effects of PGE2 could be mediated, at least partially, through effects on differentiating DC and subsequent alterations in CD4+ T cell differentiation, resulting in the preferential development of pathogenic autoimmune Th17 cells.

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