
The aim of this study was to determine the in vitro cytotoxicity of fibre-polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) composite used in denture bases. Both heat-cured and autopolymerized PMMA were tested as the matrix of the fibre composite or as a plain denture polymer. The fibres tested included unsized E-glass and silica fibres, silica fibres which were sized with a silane coupling agent only, as well as commercially epoxy-silane or methacrylate-chrome complex sized E-glass fibres. The indirect contact cytotoxicity test by agar diffusion was carried out according to the international standard ISO 10993-5 after storing the test specimens in water for 24 h. PVC plastic was used as a positive control and polyethylene plastic was used as a negative control. Within the limitations of the agar diffusion test, it can be concluded that neither the unreinforced PMMA nor the fibre composite made from PMMA and fibres was cytotoxic.

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