
We present in situ ultra-high vacuum measurements of the resistivity ρ of self-assembled endotaxial FeSi2 nanowires (NWs) on Si(110) using a variable-spacing two-point method with a moveable scanning tunneling microscope tip and fixed contact pad. The resistivity at room temperature was found to be nearly constant down to NW width W = 4 nm, but rose sharply to nearly double the bulk value at W = 3 nm. These data are not well-fit by a simple Fuch-Sondheimer model for boundary scattering, suggesting that other factors, possibly quantum effects, may be significant at the smallest dimensions. For a NW width of 4 nm, partial oxidation increased ρ by approximately 50%, while cooling from 300 K to 150 K decreased ρ by approximately 10%. The relative insensitivity of ρ to NW size or oxidation or cooling is attributed to a high concentration of vacancies in the FeSi2 structure, with a correspondingly short length for inelastic electron scattering, which obscures boundary scattering except in the smallest NWs. It is remarkable that the vacancy concentration persists in very small structures.

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