
We analyzed the location and abundance of transcripts for the 4 CNS myelin protein genes, myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP), myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide phosphohydrolase (CNP), in the mouse cervical spinal cord from the time of rapid myelination until adulthood (8-45 d). In the white matter, maximal levels of transcripts were found for each of the myelin genes at the peak of myelination (8 d). Total MBP and PLP mRNAs stayed high until 20 d and showed a minor decrease thereafter. In contrast, MAG and the MBP exon 2 containing transcripts (coding for the 21.5 and 17 kDa MBP isoforms) decreased sharply between 8 and 20 d, suggesting that high levels of these transcripts are needed primarily during the initiation of myelination. CNP transcripts were less abundant, maintained high expression until 20 d, and then decreased sharply. PLP, MAG, and CNP transcripts were clustered in the oligodendrocyte cell body, while MBP mRNAs were scattered throughout the cell body and processes. In contrast to the white matter, all these myelin specific transcripts in the gray matter showed a marked increase from 8 to 20 d, as did the number of oligodendrocytes identified by CNP immunostaining. MAG transcripts were found in white matter and in satellite and other oligodendrocytes of the gray matter but not in neurons identified by their expression of neurofilament transcripts. The results of our quantitative in situ hybridization study are in good agreement with those of previous molecular studies and provide new information on the cellular and topographic distribution of myelin-specific mRNAs during myelination.

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