
The metamorphic and kinematic evolution of medium-high grade rocks of the Andrelândia Nappe System (ANS), the orogenic wedge of the Southern Brasilia Orogen (SBO), was investigated in this work. Field and microstructural observations were combined with metamorphic petrology (i.e., iterative thermodynamic modeling) and monazite petrochronology to reconstruct the tectono-metamorphic history of the ANS rocks. The Liberdade Nappe experienced prograde metamorphism at ca. 610 Ma, achieving peak metamorphic conditions of ca. 650 °C and 9.5–10 kbar. This stage was followed by isothermal decompression linked to tectonic transport toward SE, at ca. 570 Ma. On the contrary, the Andrelândia Nappe experienced prograde metamorphism later, at ca. 580 Ma, reaching peak metamorphic conditions of ca. 680 °C and 11–12 kbar. The obtained results indicate that each nappe of the Andrelândia System records a single metamorphic cycle of burial and decompression, although it took place at different ages over a period of ca. 60 myr, from 630 to 570 Ma. The nappes experienced prograde and retrograde metamorphism whose ages progressively decreased toward the bottom of the nappe stack. We attribute this pattern to propagation of older buried material from the orogenic wedge (i.e., Liberdade Nappe), via thrust-and-fold, upon recently accreted rocks (i.e., Andrelândia Nappe), conducting a younger metamorphism event on the footwall of the ductile thrusted nappes. This mechanism is consistent with the ANS in-sequence fold-and-thrust architecture.

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