
A convincing refutation of stereotypes about Islam as a religion of implacably hostility to the adherents of other faiths serves as an example of life, activity, and evolution of thinking that was demonstrated by an outstanding political leader of the Indian national liberation movement Abul Kalam Azad (1888-1958). Initially he was an ardent follower of Aligarh movement which stood for Muslim education and their cooperation with the colonial authorities. From 1911 to 1916 Azad is an active promoter of Muslim nationalism, Caliphate movement. From 1920 until the end of life Azad was a tough critic of the separatist Muslim nationalism, one of the most prominent leaders of the Indian National Congress Party, Minister of education of secular Republic of India. History of Azad’s personal evolution convincingly testifi es to the dynamic nature of Islamic teaching which calls for renunciation of dogmatic views and maintaining the constant desire to discover the deep world outlook meanings


  • A convincing refutation of stereotypes about Islam as a religion of implacably hostility to the adherents of other faiths serves as an example of life

  • evolution of thinking that was demonstrated by an outstanding political leader of the Indian national liberation movement Abul Kalam Azad

  • he was an ardent follower of Aligarh movement

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Убедительным опровержением стереотипного представления об исламе как о религии, непримиримо враждебной к приверженцам других конфессий служит история жизни глубоко верующего мусульманина, выдающегося политического лидера индийского национально-освободительного движения Абул Калам Азада (1888–1958). История эволюции взглядов Абул Калам Азада убедительно свидетельствует о динамичности исламского вероучения, которое призывает отказаться от косности во взглядах, постоянно стремиться к открытию глубинных мировоззренческих смыслов. Т. Опровергая стереотипы: Абул Калам Азад (1888–1958) // Ислам в современном мире, 2018; 3: 47–56; Ислам в современном мире.

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