
The combined effects of the in ovo injection of commercial Marek's disease vaccine (MDV) and various levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25OHD3) on the hatch variables, immunological measurements, and gene expression of Ross 708 hatchling broilers were investigated. A total of 5 in ovo injection treatments that were applied at 18 d of incubation (doi) included: 1) noninjected (control); or a 50 μL solution volume of 2) MDV alone; or MDV combined with 3) 0.6 μg of 25OHD3; 4) 1.2 μg of 25OHD3; or 5) 2.4 μg of 25OHD3. At hatch, hatchability of set and live embryonated eggs, hatchling body weight, hatch residue analysis, serum IgY and alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP) concentrations, and the expression of genes related to immunity (INFα, INFβ, INFγ, TLR-3, and TLR-21) and vitamin D3 activity (1 α-hydroxylase, 24 hydroxylase, and vitamin D receptor) were determined. No significant treatment differences were observed for hatchability of set and live embryonated eggs, or for serum IgY and AGP concentrations. However, hatchling body weight was higher when MDV was combined with either 1.2 or 2.4 μg of 25OHD3 than when MDV was provided alone or in combination with 0.6 μg of 25OHD3. Also, in comparison to the noninjected treatment group, the expression of the genes for 1 α-hydroxylase and 24 hydroxylase was improved when MDV was combined with either 1.2 or 2.4 μg of 25OHD3. Lastly, expression of the genes linked to viral detection (TLR-3) and antibody production (INF-β) was increased in those treatments that contained any level of 25OHD3. These results indicate that in comparison to controls, the effects of MDV were observed to be greater on hatchling BW and splenic gene expression when it was administered in combination with the 1.2 or 2.4 μg doses of 25OHD3. Further research is needed to determine the posthatch effects of the administration of various levels of 25OHD3 in combination with MDV.

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