
Aiming at detecting high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) fields, this letter reports on a novel in-line silica capillary tube all-silica fiber-optic Fabry-Perot (ILSCT-ASFP) interferometric sensor fabricated by splicing a commercially available silica capillary tube to two single-mode fibers. The experimental results show that such a novel ILSCT-ASFP interferometric sensor with a cavity length of ∼60.76 μm has an excellent fringe visibility of up to ∼20 dB, and the fringe visibility is still good when the cavity length extends up to ∼1031.07 μm. The measured wavelength-temperature sensitivity of 0.000858 nm/°C shows that the wavelength drift of the fabricated ILSCT-ASFP interferometric sensor towards temperature is extremely low. Meanwhile, the measurement of HIFU fields by this novel sensor is demonstrated, and the experimental results indicate that the signal-to-noise ratio of the sensing system for sensing a 0.93 MHz HIFU field with a pressure of 2.69 MPa in the focus area can reach 42.8 dB. The corresponding noise equivalent pressure is 0.0194 MPa, and the calculated acoustic sensitivity is 65.4 mV/MPa over a 2.5 MHz measurement bandwidth.

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