
Harbour seals, Phoca vitulina, have long been thought to be one of the least vocal pinniped species both in air and under water. However, recent studies have shown that males use underwater vocalizations intensively during the mating season. In air, harbour seals are still thought to be relatively silent. In this study we describe the vocal repertoire of Eastern Canadian harbour seals during the breeding season. Harbour seals from this area produced seven vocalization types in air and one vocalization type under water. In-air vocalizations are predominantly used by adult males during agonistic interactions. Other sex and age classes also vocalize, but less frequently. Nearest neighbour responses to in-air vocalizations were primarily agonistic when any age or sex class vocalized. In this study, seals produced an underwater roar vocalization closely resembling that produced by adult males during the mating season at other sites. Eastern Canadian harbour seals appear to be considerably more vocal when hauled out than is the norm for this species at other sites around the world.

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