
Traditionally, NTFPs play an important role worldwide. In many areas, animal and plant resources derived from forests remain central to subsistence and local economies. The FAO estimated that (80%) of the population of the developing world use NTFPs to meet some of their health and nutritional needs (FAO, 1997).The importance of NTFPs in supporting livelihood of forest dependent communities has been widely promoted due to the recognition that NTFPs can contribute to improve the livelihoods of forest dependent communities (Belcher et al., 2005; Clendon, 2001; FAO, 2006; Marshall et al 2005; RosTonen & Wiersum, 2005); household food security and nutrition (Clark & Sunderland, 2004; FAO, 1995; Shacleton & Shackleton, 2004); generate additional employment and income (Marshall et al., 2003; Peters, 1996; Ros-tonen; 1999); and offer opportunities for NTFP-based enterprises (Shackleton & Shackleton, 2004; Subedi, 2006). Moreover, NTFPs are more accessible to the poor (Saxena 2003); contribute to foreign exchange earnings (Andel, 2000; Shiva & Verma, 2002); and support biodiversity and other conservation objectives (FAO, 1995, Marshall et al., 2005; Arnold and Ruiz Perez, 2001; Charlie and Sheona, 2004). Furthermore, NTFPs can be harvested with relatively little impact on the forest environment (FAO, 2008; Myers 1988; Neumann & Hirsch, 2000). The importance of NTFPs goes beyond meeting basic needs. NTFPs are also rapidly growing at the international market. A recent FAO study suggests that at least 150 NTFPs are of major significance in international trade (FAO 1995, Shiva V Shiva & Verma, 2002), and the market has grown by nearly 20% annually over the last several years (Hammet, 1999). Future development of NTFPs offers a potential for increasing income, expanding opportunities, and diversifying enterprises in rural areas.

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