
In the context of transition to an intensive and innovative type of economic development, stable functioning of the transport system is a guarantee of economic growth and maintaining the country’s economic security. The objective of the work is to develop recommendations on ensuring economic security of the transport system based on digitalization. The main research method is an updated indicator method. The author has analyzed the dynamics of indicators of economic security conditions for the period 2000–2019 and concluded that it is currently not exposed to threat. Nevertheless, some indicators tend to decrease, which indicates a possible threat to economic security in the future. The development of the transport system, which leads to an increase in quality of the services provided and a decrease in transportation costs, provides the transport component of national economic security. Constraints that reduce the efficiency of transport act as sectorial threats to economic security. It is proved that for development of the transport system and prevention of threats to economic security, it is necessary to use the opportunities provided by the digitalization. Digitalization should be carried out by creating a single digital space in which subjects and objects of the transport system will interact. It is determined that the public transport regulatory authority has created serious prerequisites for digitalization. Thanks to digitalization, it is possible to reduce costs, increase labor productivity, reliability, and security, obtain grown quality and accessibility of transport services, expand their range, increase openness and transparency of the transport services market. The transition to a qualitatively new level of development of the transport system will contribute to the growth of indicators of the economic security conditions. This digital space should be based on the digital platform of the transport system, which will ensure its regulation and coordination.

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