
This research aimed to prove that the use of Authentic Materials can improve the listening comprehension of the eleventh grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Sausu. The problem of this research concerned with the lack of the students’ listening skill. This research applied a quasi-experimental research design. In choosing the sample, the researcher used technique of total sampling because all classes had an equal chance of being sample in the research. The design of the research was pre-test and post-test that were given to the experimental and control group. The result of the data analysis showed a significant difference between the experimental and control group. It was proved through testing hypothesis. Applying 0,05 level of significance and the degree of freedom (df) is 64, showed that t- counted 3.69 was higher than the value of the t- table 1.99 . In conclusion, the use of Authentic Materials is affected to improve students’ listening comprehension. Keywords : Improve; Listening Comprehension; Authentic Material.

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