
To integrate the space network with the ground network is the uptrend of the future communications, and geostationary satellites are very important nodes in the hybrid networks in which the reliable data transportation is critical. Based on this point, the paper designs the GEO satellite network topology that integrate the LEO network, MEO networks and GEO networks with the terrestrial networks. Because of the high bit error rate, large bandwidth delay product, asymmetric channel, and intermittent connectivity, the regular TCP, proved robust and efficient for terrestrial networks, has problems when direct using in the space/ground hybrid networks. The paper takes SNACK proposed by CCSDS SCPS-TP as the extension for TCP using in the hybrid GEO satellite networks, and compares TCP SNACK with the regular TCP, including Tahoe, Reno, Newreno, SACK and Vegas. The simulation results show that TCP SNACK has a better performance than the regular TCP in the GEO satellite networks communication.

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