
Abstract The development and the optimization of a novel dry low NOx burner may require several steps of improvement. The first step of the overall development process has been documented by authors in a previous paper and included an exhaustive experimental characterization of a set of novel geometries. The in-depth results analysis allowed to correlate the investigated design parameters to burner performances, discovering possible two-fold optimization paths. Recurrent verifications of the assumptions made to define prototypes design are considered a mandatory step to avoid significant deviation from the correct optimization path, which strongly depends on both objective function definition and selection of design variables. Concerning the objective function, a proper mathematical formulation was proposed in the previous work, which represented a balance between two apparently conflicting aspect like flame stability and low emissions. Concerning design variables, outcomes of the first test campaign have been used in the present work to define new burner geometries. Starting from a new baseline who has showed the widest low NOx operating window, additional geometrical features have been considered in this survey as potentially affecting flame stabilization. Thanks to the degree of freedom offered by DMLM technology, rapid prototyping of alternative geometries allowed to easily setup a new experimental plan for the second optimization step. Exploiting the same approach used in the first test campaign, new geometries have been tested in a single-cup test rig at gas turbine relevant operating conditions, showing Stable low-NOx operating windows have been evaluated throughout dedicated objective functions for all geometries and results showed lower NOx and CO emissions as a consequence of the newly introduced geometrical modifications. Moreover, the comparison with the estimates of the previous campaign proved the existence of the identified optimization path. Indeed, it furnished valid elements for further using of the proposed methodology for the improvement of emission and blow-out characteristics of novel burners and, more in general, for the development of a novel dry low NOx technology.

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