
we see the overlay P2P network in the Internet as the In this paper, we present an improved method for media network providing video streaming for the live streaming in the wireless environment over an wireless terminal. And7 we Propose an improved overlay Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. The key overlay P2P system that Conserves bandwidth by innovation is to pre-instalI the p2p a p t in enabling terminal nodes in wireless networks to send wireless access points (APs), and to utilize a multicast and receive media streaming from Internet, rather protocol between the APs and client terminals. By this than depending solely upon Peers for this function. means, client terminals can obtain smoother video The idea is to embed the overlay P2P agent into streams with less jitter. Experimental results indicate wireless access points and combine P2P networking that this improvement is especially dramatic as more with a m~lticast delivery paradim. wireless terminals request video content. Wireless The system adopts a data-driven overlay P2P networks will soon expen'ence much greater loading network in which every peer periodically reports to its as more P2P content is shared, and especially as new Partners which streaming begments it contains and video-enabled handheld wireless devices prol$erate. lacks, then retrieves data it lacks eom Partners, and Our experimental trafJic simulations show that our also provides data requested by others. The methods can better utilize bandwidth and support partnership formation is an essential key ComPment more rapid service scalability. for data-driven overlay P2P network. The partnership formation mechanism, SCAMP [5] gossip-based

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