
Lightning is the dominant source of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the free troposphere. Yet, its representation in models is highly parameterised, limiting our ability to determine past and future changes in lightning NOx and causing errors in model representation of tropospheric ozone and NOx. Models such as GEOS-Chem use fixed lightning NOx production rates constrained with historic satellite instrument observations of ozone. A new approach is to model NOx production per flash (mol N fl-1) using lightning energy dependent NOx yields and lightning flash radiant energy data from the space-based lightning imaging sensor (LIS) aboard both the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite and the International Space Station (ISS). This updated approach is then used in GEOS-Chem to compute total lightning NOx yields through the Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO), rather than using fixed values. The updated annual lightning NOx emissions total 6.5 Tg N, similar to the original parameterised representation (5.8 Tg N), but with much greater variability in NOx production rates. The original implementation uses 260 mol N fl-1 everywhere except the northern extratropics that are at 500 mol fl-1. In the updated implementation, values range from 27 to 632 mol N fl-1 over the ocean and from 66 to 482 mol N fl-1 over land. Greater values over the ocean are due to oft-reported much more energetic maritime lightning. To test the effect on tropospheric ozone and NOx, we are currently comparing seasonal mean GEOS-Chem and TROPOMI-derived vertical profiles of ozone and NO2. The TROPOMI-derived values, obtained by cloud-slicing partial columns over optically thick clouds, we have previously evaluated to be consistent with NASA DC-8 aircraft measurements in the free troposphere for cloud-sliced NO2 (differences < 20 pptv) and the global ozonesonde network for cloud-sliced ozone across the whole troposphere (differences < 35 ppbv). This offers the means to assess the representation of lightning NOx and better understand its influence on tropospheric NOx and ozone.

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